In Bloom Flower Shop
Valentine's Rose Bouquet
Valentine's Rose Bouquet
A classic bouquet of premium roses with greenery. Choose between red, pink, white or a mixed bouquet. Mixed bouquets will have 2-3 different colours and may include a variety of different shades, including red, pink, white, cream, caramel, lavender and blush.
Available for Toronto delivery and pickup from the 10th-14th. We deliver throughout Toronto, the GTA and beyond.
For custom Valentine's orders, please contact us here or give us a call at 416-480-2222.
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As we use the season's best and freshest blooms, our flower selection differs each day and your bouquet/arrangement will likely look quite different from sample photos. Each bouquet/arrangement is unique as they are custom designed according to your desired colour palette, using the freshest blooms we have in the shop. If there are any flowers or colours you'd like us to avoid, please add a note in your cart before you check out.

Fresh flowers are for anyone, any day.

Each bouquet and arrangement is original - no two are the same. Designed with love and care.